Private Lessons

Two Keys Creative Studios is now offering private lessons for artists ages eight to adult.

Our private instructors are artists and art teachers with experience in a wide variety of techniques, styles, and mediums. They are prepared to help you develop your unique artistic skills and interests during lessons specifically tailored to you.


Josh Kuester


Josh is an artist, builder, and master creative problem solver. He is continuously exploring unique forms of creating and finding new ways to push the boundaries of his personal art making skills. Drawing, illustration, print-making, and 3D building of all kinds are just a few of his interests. Josh has a passion for helping aspiring young artists to discover their unique abilities and talents in fun and interesting ways.

Private Lesson Pricing

Pricing is based on two school year sessions made up of 16 weekly hour long lessons. Weekly lessons are divided into two segments: the first 30 minutes is dedicated to one-on-one instruction with lessons based upon each students unique interests. The second half of each lesson is reserved for independent studio work time for students to practice their new skills with guidance from their instructor.


Monthly Tuition

Fall session: September-December

Spring session: January-May


Registration/Supply Fee

Due upon registration.


Session Paid in Full

Save $25

Private Lesson Policies

  • We understand that things come up and you might have to miss your lesson from time to time. Please contact your instructor prior to your scheduled class time. No refunds are provided for missed classes. One make-up lesson will be offered per session. Make-up lessons will be arranged between you and your instructor.

  • Inclement Weather: Two Keys Creative Studios will make an independent cancelation decision based on the weather during your scheduled lesson time. Your instructor will notify you at least one hour prior to the cancelation. No refunds are given for weather cancelations. However, students will be given the opportunity to schedule up a make-up lesson.

    Teacher Cancelation: We will do our best to always keep classes as scheduled. If illness or other emergency arrises, you will receive a text message and email at least one hour prior to your scheduled lesson. No refunds will be provided for cancelations. However, students will be given the opportunity to schedule up a make-up lesson.

  • Supply/Registration Fee: There is a one time fee of $160 when you sign up for private lessons. This fee goes towards all of the supplies, materials, and ceramic firing costs throughout the session.

    Monthly Tuition: Four monthly tuition payments of $180 are due on the first of September through December. The tuition cost of the session is divided up by 16 weeks. Therefore, the monthly fee is the same regardless of the length of the month or holiday breaks in the month.

    Payment in Full: Pay for the entire session in full and receive $25 off.

    Payment Methods: You are welcome to set up recurring monthly payments through our website. We will send you a link before September 1st. You may also pay with cash or checks made out to Two Keys.

    Failed Monthly Payments: You will get notified by email if your monthly tuition payment has failed. If this occurs you will need to login to your account on our website and update your card information. After three attempts, your recurring payment plan will be automatically cancelled and you will need to make your tuition payment with an alternative method.

    Sibling Discount: We offer a 10% monthly tuition discount for each artist from the same household. A $35 discount per artist will be given to families paying for the session in full.

  • If a student needs to withdrawal from private lessons prior to the end of the session, please let us know before the start of the following month. Your tuition payments will be stopped before the next payment is charged. No refunds will be provided for withdrawal after a scheduled payment has been made.

  • At Two Keys Creative Studios we hold our artists to a high standard of exceptional behavior, respectfulness, responsibility and acceptance of others. In order to maintain a safe and positive creative environment for all students we reserve the right to cancel lessons at any time for any student we feel is not following our guidelines, per our discretion.

    Work Time: In order for students to reach their highest level of artistic potential, they will need to focus on their work, create silently when necessary, try their best, and be willing to make lots of mistakes.

    Artwork Content: Each students’ artwork is a reflection of their thoughts, feelings, opinions, and experiences. It is our goal to give young artists the opportunity, tools, and space to express themselves to the fullest. When necessary, we reserve the right to gently steer students into more positive or appropriate forms of expression. These decisions are made on an individual basis.

    Clean Up: Students are expected to leave the tools, equipment, and facility as they found it for the next artist to use.

  • First Week of the Fall Session: August 21-24

    September 1: First Monthly Tuition Payment Due.

    September 4: No Lessons for Labor Day.

    Thanksgiving Break: November 20-23

    Last week of the Fall Session: December 11-15

    Spring Lessons Resume: January 15-18

    Fall Art Show Dates: TBA